Many Useful Nodes - for Blender Geometry Nodes
Деян Зарков / Dean Zarkov
Many Useful Nodes
Has custom nodes for Geometry Nodes, that I use to develop stuff.
If you save the .blend file in an Asset Library folder, the nodes will appear in the Add drop-down inside the Geometry Nodes editor.
Geometry Read and Modify
Curve to Mesh with UV
Like the Curve to Mesh node, but with generated UV map, like I showed in this video: -
Factor Adjust
With this you can adjust the values of the curve factor from the Spline Parameter node -
Curve Attributes
A quick way to capture most used curve attributes. -
Randomize Point Indices
With this you can randomize the indices for points in a mesh, on a curve or a point cloud. -
Set Polygon Perimeter
Define the input radius for a regular polygon, made from a mesh circle, by defining it's Perimeter and number of sides. -
Index Selection
Select up to 10 defined indices from a geometry. This is useful when prototyping and you need to select a bunch of specific points. -
Visualize Index
A simple way to preview the order of an index in a geometry. (You can use the Index Selection node to preview multiple indices) -
Select Face
Select a face from a mesh by index.
Math Nodes
Three-Way Mix (Float)
You can mix three values: A, B, C, such that 0=A, 0,5=B, 1=C -
Three-Way Mix (Vector)
Similar to the float type, but for vectors. -
Pythagorean Theorem
Input the two legs of a right angle triangle and het the hypotenuse. -
Convert Value
Quick math functions on a value: N, -N, 1-N, 1/N, 2N, N/2 -
Positive Integer
Input only positive integers (N ≥ 0), and do a quick modification to it. -
Linear Range
Like a Mix node, but with socketed Clamp input. -
Logarithmic Range
Like a Mix node, but the midpoint is at 0,1 (not 0,5). Useful in some situations, where the slider has a lot of influence at one end, but barely any at the other end. -
Adder (GEO)
Compact way to add up to 10 numbers. -
Multiplier (GEO)
Compact way to multiply up to 10 numbers.
Picker Nodes
Output 1 item out of a list. You can have a list with up to 10 items.
- Pick Geometry
- Pick String
- Pick Float
- Pick Integer
- Pick Vector
- Pick Boolean
- Pick Collection
- Pick Object
- Pick Color
- Pick Image
- Pick Texture
- Pick Material
Noise Nodes
Like a Noise Texture, but with a bit more controls, like contrast and min and max values. -
Noise along Curve
Create a value variation along the length of a curve.
Animation Nodes
Used to drive a value with controls for speed, offset and range.
A number of custom node groups for Geometry Nodes in Blender
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